See posts below and just add your comments regarding your thoughts and opinions - use the blog vs email and we can then keep everything organized, etc . . . and keep the crap out of your in box at work!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Who is Attending? Boyz, Girlz, New Peeps?

Feel free to add peeps' to this blog! (cool ones) . . . and if we are at that point where "chicks", "wives", "ex-wives" (craig!) etc are invited - - we can discuss the bene's (better cooking, less funk in the air, someone to look at besides each other in the hot tub, more heads to spread the co$t across, someone to pick up your yard sale, better odds than trying to hook up with other single euro chicks at the Irish bar in Whistler (not that anyone accomplished said feat) . . . Dubh Linn Gate Old Irish Pub & Restaurant - -hands down the best $500 bucks we ever spent in a bar! . . . so chime in.

Ladies . . . please do not be offended by this post (Travis made me say those things), we luv every last one of you!


Blogger Ski Colorado said...

I would take a tele-chick over a knuckle dragging monkey (see picture with "O" face) anyday!

8:09 PM


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